They had a record breaking hot day for that time of year. When I left the hotel at 4:00 am it was 57 degrees outside and it only warmed up from there, which left me finishing when it was cooking.
I found it odd that they would put bon fires at the start if no one stood around them. Runners were applying sunscreen instead on Ben-gay. It is also the first marathon that I have ever run seeing runners laying on cots lining the roads at the aid stations.
By mile 17, I had cotton mouth so bad, I had a hard time swallowing my GU. I tried to drink extra water/ Gatorade at the aid stations but this left me with a side ache so after 4 miles of this, I just dumped several cups of water on top of me. My legs felt great and my knee didn't give me any problems. Finally, at mile 25 they handed out wet towels which gave some relief to the 94 degrees quickly approaching. I grabbed one and wiped down my body and ringed it out on the top of my head. I finished the marathon in 3:38:24. still pulling a Boston Qualifying time, but I couldn't imagine why everybody thought this was such a great marathon. It wasn't until I got back to the hotel and went out swimming with my kids and talked with other runners in the pool who had run this before that this was extremely unusual and they had a hard time with the heat as well.
I would like to run the St George Marathon again just to gain a true picture of what it is normally is like. I am so grateful for Greg and for all of his support. He ran three miles that day in the heat with a backpack to snatch this picture of me at mile 21. I was in my happy little place in my head so I did not see him at all. Chalisse ran the three miles with him as well so she could let my mom and Jensen know, who were waiting at mile 23, that I was on my way.