Okay, I have to be honest with myself and say that the Turkey Trot was kind of a last minute thing. When this was first advertised Greg said jokingly, "Honey, you gotta win us a turkey." (Whatever I thought) but after being in the hospital for a few days, I really didn't feel like running a 5k race the following weekend. But as the day grew closer I realized that I couldn't pass up this chance. First of all let me explain a little. It only cost $1.00 to run and you would get a FREE T-shirt. And if you dressed up as your favorite Thanksgiving character you could win a prize. The first people in their age groups to come in would receive a turkey and second place would win a pumpkin pie.
So a few days before the Turkey Trot I got busy and made a few changes on an old Nun costume that I had laying around and turned it into a pilgrim. I found some left over material and made an apron and a head piece. My daughter Andrea was my designer who told me exactly what a pilgrim needed. After all how could I pass up a FREE prize.

This is how the final costume looked. Here I am lined up at the starting line.
I will have to admit it was kind of hard running a race in a dress. I caught a lot of wind and my head piece blew off.

Here I am running in. My headpiece is in my hand and I had to move my apron to the back to run. I actually came in at 23:26. It is not my best time, but it was good enough to win first place in my age group(25-39)and bring home a turkey.
My kids also ran the kids 1 mile race. Jensen ran in at 7:43. Coming in 4th and Andrea had a time of 9:54. She was 21st. All the kids ran together ages 0-10.

This is a picture of the kids at the starting line.

This is a much better picture.

Here comes Jensen running in.

Here comes Andrea running in.
Greg did a good job taking pictures.

Here we are together. Over all we all had a lot of fun. It was worth dressing up. My prize was a $5.00 gift certificate to Taco Time. And I won my honey a turkey!!