Since 2004, the Wasatch Back Ragnar Relay has taken teams on a 188 mile journey through Utah's back roads from Logan to Park City. The Wasatch Back is likely the largest relay race in the country with nearly 12,000 racers running three legs of varying length and difficulty and running distances between 12-21 miles. That said, it is an experience everyone should have.
I was so excited this year when Greg decided to run it with me. The cool thing about the relay is the race is built so runners of various abilities can still push their limits. We had an awesome team this year. The
Marabellas are missing from the picture, but from left to right (back row) are Jody, Blair, Braden, Matt and Greg. Front row (left to right) are Jeanne, Jessica, Amy,
Cherilee, and

Greg did such an awesome job. He helped our team shorten our time because he was such a speedy mountain goat and he also drove most of the time which means no chance to sleep.

Yep! That's me wearing the reflective vest, butt and head light. The rules are that you must wear these from the hours of 6:30 pm to 7:00 am. I was runner 3 and had a total of 18.5 miles to run. I was glad my legs had recovered from the Utah Valley Marathon the week before. I was 4 minutes ahead of my time on my first run. 20 seconds ahead of my time on the 2
nd run and 2 minutes behind on my third run. (I was trying to average it all out to a 8 minute/mile pace).
Anyway, we finished it in In the coed overall division we finished 171 out of 491 teams.