This has been the second time our family has run the Tremonton Fun Run. I can describe the 5K in three words. Run, free, and food. You just can't beat a free race that gives you a free pancake breakfast for running it!

Greg did his long run the day before, so he volunteered to run the 5K pushing the stroller. Out of anyone I thought he got the best workout since he ran the whole thing pushing a stroller with two kids in the windy weather. Jensen loves to have a running buddy so he stuck pretty close to dad. Jensen's finishing time was 30:22, and Greg's time was 30:48.

I actually was the first woman to come in. (Being the twelfth runner overall). Therefore, I took home a pretty nice piece of hardware. My time was 20:42.

Chalisse had a new PR at this race. She came in first in her age group running in at 24:08.

After I finished running, I ran back along the course to find Andrea because she wanted to run as much of it as she could. We ran her last mile together. She finished it in 30:34. after Jensen gave her a little competition.
We took home a free watermelon that they also gave out free to the runners and then we ate a delicious pancake breakfast with sausage, scrambled eggs, and orange juice. The best part for me was no cooking or clean up. Heck yes I'd do this again!
1 comment:
Again, I am so impressed with your running. I just love all of my Anderson Cousins. I have put a few new posts on my blog that I would like you to see. Yes, I am starting to blog again.
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