We had another wonderful year at the fair this year . Fair week is a pretty busy week. For one thing or another the kids have to be out there every day. We pretty much say we live at the fair for a week. I really appreciate Greg taking work off to be there for the kids because it was impossible for me to do so. He is such a wonderful dad.

Jensen brought home two trophies. He received one of them because his rabbit got best of breed. The other one was a management award that they give to a person is 4-H who is dedicated to his club, his project, and
participates in activities throughout the year and continually looks for ways to improve his project.
Chalisse did a great job on her lamb project this year. And brought in some money to go toward her college education.

This is a picture of Jensen and
Chalisse washing their lambs and getting them ready for showmanship.

This is Jensen showing his lamb. He placed pretty high in his

This year Jensen also participated in the Rabbit Bowl. He took 2
nd place in the junior
division and 4
th overall in the championship round. I don't know half the stuff he has learned over the years.

I love little bunnies and couldn't resist holding Jensen's new addition. (Although I still think it's mine)

Andrea was a clover bud this year. She learned a lot of new things. This is a pink jewelry box that she painted. All clover buds receive participation ribbons.
Chalisse entered some scrapbook pages that received a blue ribbon and also a state fair ribbon. So check her scrapbook pages out at the state fair if you happen to go.

Carson painted a Halloween picture. Actually he painted
some orange and yellow paper and cut it out in the shape of a pumpkin and glued it onto black
card stock.

Jensen's rabbit "Pearly" received Best of Breed. He is also one of his friendliest rabbits.

This was Andrea's first year in rabbit 4-H. She learned about rabbits and was also able to show her rabbit at the fair this year.
1 comment:
Congratulations to Chalisse and Jensen for their ribbons and trophies. All of your kids are so cute, but Chalisse looks so absolutely beautiful and mature in the picture of her holding her scrapbook page. Oh my goodness.
I don't know what is wrong with Blogger because it says that my last post was 4 weeks ago but I just posted a new post yesterday, Sept. 14. I tell another story of what happened to me in Japan and also Billings Montana.
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