One more race in three weeks and I can say I have completed the series. But first, I will tell you about the 1/2 marathon. The forecast predicted wind, snow and rain for Saturday's race, so I decided to wear my shoes that had 378 miles on them that I got in January (see previous post) instead of my brand new ones that I got a week ago that now have 30 miles on them so I wouldn't ruin them. Actually the snow wasn't that bad. It was freezing cold in the morning when I picked up my packet and they said we could drive to the start of the race instead of ride the bus if we had a driver. Guess what? I had a driver. My wonderful hubby followed the bus to the start of the race and I sat in the car keeping warm instead of standing out freezing in the cold weather.
This half marathon is actually the first half of the Ogden Marathon that I will be doing in May, so I was excited to see what the course would be like. It was rolling hills, loops, and some flat areas in between so not to bad. It seemed cold, but nothing worse than what I have been running in considering the last couple of races. The roads were wet from the snow and yes, it was snowing. My eyelashes caught quite a bunch of flakes and I kept occupied wiping my eyes. But then after mile 4 or so it seemed to clear up and the roads dried off. At mile 4 my time was 29:50. I took GU at mile 5 1/2 and 8 1/2. I saw my hubby at mile 8 and blew him a kiss and kept running. What I didn't expect was what everyone hated from mile 9 on. We hit strong canyon winds. I struggled with them, but noticed everyone else did as well. (It's to bad the wind was working against us) I have no doubt that my time would have been at least three minutes faster. I crossed the finish line in 1:46:03. I felt pretty good and told my hubby when I collapsed in his arms at the end of the race that I did the best I could considering running the last 4 miles in strong wind.
I ran into Blair Perry and he asked me how I did. He said with my time that I probably did pretty good for my age group and to check it out. He was right I took 2nd in my age group, 21st overall in womens, and 95th out of 414 people.
Second in your age group! That's fantastic. I can't believe that you are so dedicated that you actually run when it is snowing. You must be really sure-footed. Isn't it slick? I would definitely fall down... I am so proud of you. You have a terrific figure to show off because of all of this running, too.
Thanks for the flowers. You will never know how much I needed to be remembered today. I love you, your sisters, and your mom for being so thoughtful.
Hey, Jerel (Camille's husband) is coming up here to run in the Salt Lake City marathon this coming Saturday. Have you ever considered running in it? Why or why not? Isn't it hard running uphill or are you in such great shape that it doesn't matter?
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