Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bees Vs Cubs

Each year the Salt Lake Bees baseball team offers free tickets to the elementary schools in Utah. Jensen asked me if I would be one of the volunteer parents to help chaperon the kids. Sure, I said! How could I pass up baseball.
We rode on the UTA Front Runner down to Salt Lake. It was air conditioned and much faster and better than a school bus.
This is the group of kids by Mr. McGruff in front of the stadium.
The first pitch of the ball game. It was a foul and came our way. However, it went up and over the top.

Jensen and his friends loved the game. Mom loved it too. Hopefully we will go again soon.

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

There is nothing better that watching a baseball game in great weather. I am glad that Jensen had such a nice time.